sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007



I am glad to hear from you. I hope all is well with you.
I am in receipt of your mail again with details noted, though i have to let you know that the requested documents you are demanding from me are not available now. The documents will be processed by the help of a legal attorney here. We will negotaite with a resident lawyer here that will help us secure these documents from the designated ministries concerned. Then the documents can now be forwarded to you for our persual and record.
The application i forwarded to you should be filled and return back to me for verification and correction if any before you will tender to the bank.
The processing of the application by the bank will motivate the obtanancy of the documents, because for us to claim this funds, we need to have a solid proof to back up our application. That is why i quite understand with you on your request.
You should please comply as i have directed you by sending the application to enable us know if the bank will approve the release of the money or not, because the account in question has been a dormant account since. There have not been any withdrawal or pay in in the account since the beneficiary died.
Your asistance in this transaction will be highly appreciated as you will be compensated after the successful transfer of the money into your account.
I am looking forward to your response and understanding.
If there is any further clarification you require, do let me know pls.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Tony Moore.