sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2007


Tel :27-83-8998-131

ATTN: Sir/Madam,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise since we don’t know each other before , but for purpose of introduction, I am Mr.Richard Sifiso the CHIEF AUDITOR OFFICER, FIRST NATIONAL BANK (FNB), there is an account opened in 1980 and since 1990 nobody has operated on this account again.after going through some old files in the records, I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently it would be forfeited for nothing. The owner of this account is Mr. Smith B.Andreas, a foreigner,and a miner at Kruger gold co., a geologist by profession and he died since 2004.

No other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that his company Does not know anything about this account and the amount involved is US$M30,000,000.00.(THIRTY MILLION UNITED STATE DOLLARS ONLY)

I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money connot be approved to a local bank here, but can only be approved to any foreign account because the money is in U.S.A dollars and the former owner of the account is Mr. Smith B. Andreas is a foreigner too. I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don t know ourselves before. We will sign an agreement, but be sure that it is real and a genuine business . please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take immediately.Send also your private telephone and fax number including the details of the account to be used for the deposit.

I want us to meet face to face or sign a binding agreement to bind ustogether so that you can receive this money into a foreign account or any account of your choice where the fund will be safe. And I will fly to your country for withdrawal and sharing and other investment.

I am contacting you because of the need to involve a foreigner with foreign account and foreign beneficiary. I need your full co-operation to make this work fine because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner, who has correct information of this account , which I will give to you later immediately, if you are capable and willing to handle such amount in strict confidence and trust according to my instructions and advice for our mutual benefit because this opportunity will never come again in my life. I need truthful person in this business because I dont want to make mistake I need your strong assurance and trust.

With my position now in the office I can transfer this money to any foreigners reliable account , which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending my physical rrival in your country for sharing. I will destroy all documents of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to any place.You can also come to discuss with me face to face after which I will make this remittance in your presence and two of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account . I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive this fund in your account. i will use my position and influence to effect legal approvals and onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance forms of the ministries and foreign exchange departments. At the conclusion of this business , you will be given 25% of the total amount, 70% will be for me , and while 5% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the transaction.

All I want you to do is to furnish me with your entire personal phone and fax numbers for easy communication.You can contact me on the above Telephone and E-mail numbers.Note that this transaction is 100% Risk free and absolutely confidential.

Thanks and God bless.

Best Regards


Dear Good Friend
Compliment of the day.
I would like you to furnish with your private phone number mobile as this project demands confidentiality.Also i will call you tomorrow to discuss with you on the modalities of the transaction.

With reference to our telephone conversation today in regards to the transaction between your and me, I will like you to go through the first mail I send to you, l think you will understand the nature of this business.
My brother I want to use this opportunity to tell you that this business is 100% free, you should not be afraid of any thing, l have been make every arraignment here to make sure I secure all the important document on your behalf that will enable this money transfer to any of your giving bank account without any problems.
I will like you to send me your bank account information and a copy of your International passport or derivers license for this will help me to apply for the approvers of this payment on your name from various department which will be present to your bank as soon as the money is transfer your bank account.
Please I will like you to be calling me with this number 27 73 360 1294
Wait for your urgent attention
Best regards,
Mr. Richard Sifiso.


Thank you for your willingness to join hands with me to achieve the desired success. The business is 100% risk free.However, I would want you to guarantee me that you will never cheat me when the money is transferred to your account.
On the responds to your mail, first I will like you to give me 100% assurance that on receiving this fund into your nominated bank account there in your country, that you will not have mind of plans and cheating over my share also that this money will be safe if being transferred there in your country, this is why I’m so worried and like you to build strong confidence and trust on both sides because if i loose this money my ambition to context for the Governor in State in next year is failed.

Also,is good to be sure of true position of a matter before involving, but as you might know this is a sensitive matter that also requires mutual confidence and trust. From my point of view, it is not wise releasing all the information regarding this business until I am sure of your willingness to join hands with me to achieve it. Meanwhile, i would like to ascertain you seriousiness in this deal & opportunity before, i will proceed with you because i will not like i situation whereby you will disappoint at the middle of the deal.
Furthermore, i will like to be very transparent in any deal i,m having with any person because this transaction requires financial involvement.
In view of the above mentioned, i will like you to state clearly your position in this project before i will detail you with the measures & the plans for success of the transaction.
I will call you as soon as i confirm your readiness to join hands with me to achieve this great opportunity.As we also progresses, we will find a suitable means of building the much needed trust, since the success of this business is absolutely centered on trust, honesty, capability and confidentiality.
Furthermore, i will assure you that the project will require engaement of a Lawyer to ensure the smooth & success of the transaction.Also i will use my authority to make sure that the fund is being transfer to your nominated bank account within a short time.
Please would like you to furnish with your private phone & fax number for best communication as well you can call me on private phone number +27-83-8998-131 for more clarification.

Thanks in advance, as I anticipate your kind nderstanding, co-operation and swift handling of this matter.



Thank you for your willingness to join hands with me to achieve the desired success. The business is 100% risk free.However, I would want you to guarantee me that you will never cheat me when the money is transferred to your account.
On the responds to your mail, first I will like you to give me 100% assurance that on receiving this fund into your nominated bank account there in your country, that you will not have mind of plans and cheating over my share also that this money will be safe if being transferred there in your country, this is why I’m so worried and like you to build strong confidence and trust on both sides because if i loose this money my ambition to context for the Governor in State in next year is failed.

Also,is good to be sure of true position of a matter before involving, but as you might know this is a sensitive matter that also requires mutual confidence and trust. From my point of view, it is not wise releasing all the information regarding this business until I am sure of your willingness to join hands with me to achieve it. Meanwhile, i would like to ascertain you seriousiness in this deal & opportunity before, i will proceed with you because i will not like i situation whereby you will disappoint at the middle of the deal.
Furthermore, i will like to be very transparent in any deal i,m having with any person because this transaction requires financial involvement.
In view of the above mentioned, i will like you to state clearly your position in this project before i will detail you with the measures & the plans for success of the transaction.
I will call you as soon as i confirm your readiness to join hands with me to achieve this great opportunity.As we also progresses, we will find a suitable means of building the much needed trust, since the success of this business is absolutely centered on trust, honesty, capability and confidentiality.
Furthermore, i will assure you that the project will require engaement of a Lawyer to ensure the smooth & success of the transaction.Also i will use my authority to make sure that the fund is being transfer to your nominated bank account within a short time.
Please would like you to furnish with your private phone & fax number for best communication as well you can call me on private phone number +27-83-8998-131 for more clarification.

Thanks in advance, as I anticipate your kind nderstanding, co-operation and swift handling of this matter.



Nos enorgullece ponernos en contacto con Usted y le agradecemos por vuestro tiempo.
Rogamos que lea con suma atención nuestra propuesta laboral.
Como Usted sabe, ColonCollection LTD. es una compañía familiar formada en 2003, en Berlín Alemania y operamos con antiguedades y articulos de arte valiosos. Como agentes
registrados para negociaciones, certificamos y Valuamos antigüedades y joyas valiosas.
Nuestra actividad principal es atender las consultas de nuestros clientes, asesorarlos y asistir como intermediarios entre vendedores y compradores.
En los últimos años nos propusimos operar con mercados de otras regiones del mundo. Hoy por hoy, contamos con las herramientas necesarias para acrecentar vuestra colección de antigüedades y objetos de arte.

Nuestra propuesta laboral:

Necesitamos representantes en España para recibir pagos de nuestros clientes y proveedores.
Según las estadísticas de nuestro Departamento de Marketing, el volumen de ventas en España es
demasiado bajo y en la actualidad, abrir una sucursal allí, no se encuentra a nuestro alcance. Con su
ayuda, podremos comenzar a expandirnos poco a poco y crecer juntos.
No prometemos onerosas sumas de dinero o un rápido ascenso dentro de la compañía, pero si, tendras un empleo seguro, nuestra honradez
absoluta y transparencia en relaciones laborales.
Al mismo tiempo, exigimos a nuestros empleados responsabilidad y honradez, que son pilares fundamentales de nuestra compañía.
Buscamos en los participantes ambas virtudes por ello tenemos el orgullo de convocarlo a Usted a formar parte de nuestro staff, para poder cumplir con nuestra meta de expandirnos en España.

Requisitos para Aspirantes:

Manejo de herramientas de Internet, Computadora personal
Mail privado (correo electrónico), MSN (Messenger), Icq, etc.
En cuanto a la disponibilidad horaria es necesario contar con 1 a 4 horas libres por día entre 9Hs y 14Hs, teléfono movil y residir en España o Islas Canarias.
Reiteremos que en ColonCollection LTD. le brindamos un clima laboral donde encontrará transparencia,
empleo seguro de media jornada, importante remuneración diaria, responsabilidad y honradez.
Rasgos que practicamos día a día en nuestra trayectoria de 3 años en el mercado.
Éste no es un truco que requiere abonar dinero para postularse o pagar honorarios para comenzar a trabajar. Usted no necesita invertir capital inicial, ni experiencia previa.
Simplemente, le proponemos un trabajo verdadero de 1 a 4 horas de su tiempo diario.

Descripción de las funciones:

Al integrarse a nuestro equipo laboral usted representará a ColonCollection LTD. en España.
Su función es netamente administrativa y le brindaremos todas las herramientas necesarias para que pueda lograrlo exitosamente. Tal como le describimos en el mail anterior, Usted recibirá su salario el primer día de trabajo.
Sostenemos que su tiempo debe ser operativo y productivo, por eso, su entrenamiento queda a cargo de nuestra compañía.
Durante esta prueba Usted recibirá pagos de nuestros clientes o proveedores que luego informará a nuestro encargado regional.
Nos contactaremos vía mail y/o por teléfono para explicarle y acompañarlo paso a paso en su primer día de trabajo y entrenamiento.


En su primer día de entrenamiento y pruba recibirá soporte técnico telefónico del área capacitación de personal.
Le pagaremos 250 € Euros por cada operación exitosa durante el primer mes de empleo a prueba y a partir del segundo mes esta suma incrementará dependiendo de su desempeño.

Cualquier duda o consulta, estamos a su entera disposición las 24 hs al día. Contáctese por mail o teléfono con nuestro sector de Recursos Humanos que le responderá su
inquietud a la brevedad. En Colon Collections sostenemos que el tiempo debe ser aprovechado al máximo y su disposición es considerada y
retribuida por parte nuestra.
Lo invito a formar parte del equipo de “Representante Regional” en España, para continuar con el desarrollo del arte antiguo y lograr nuestros objetivos con renovada energía.
Si se encuentra interesado, solicitar formulario de inscripción contestando este mail.

Por favor envie sus numeros telefonicos : (Domiciliario y Movil) para contactarlo en caso de entrar en la selección de aspirantes.

Sin otro particular, lo saluda atentamente.
Roberto Pereyra
Selección Aspirantes
ColonCollection LTD.
Tel/Fax (0022)-5632740/56


Barrister.Steve O.Nomide Chambers And Associates
Private E-mail address is:

Attn: Marst
Permit me to ask you if you are a relative ,friend or know about Mr./Mrs.Kyman C.Marst as i am Barrister STEVE O. NOMIDE, a solicitor at law.i am a personal attorney to Late Mr/Mrs. Kyman C.Marst,a foriegn national client of mine,who until his death was an employee with Shell Petroleum Development Company in Darkar Senegal. my client who died together with his family on vacation holiday at Tsunami disaster: this is the link of the disaster for your confirmation, [ http://www.tsunamis.com/tsunami-pictures.html ], unfortuniate lost their lives while on tour in a disaster last year December 26, 2004 Tsunami Thialand, which took thousands of lives.
Since then I have made several enquiries to many of the Embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives,as this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his last name so as to locate any nearest relative or to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you but even if you are not a relation,friend or know about him i can present you as a next of kin hence it has been mandatary that i must present a person to the bank as next of kin if you can keep to the secret.

For you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they are confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged,this said amount was Valued at about US$10,500,000.00 (Ten million,Five hundred thousand United States Dollars) The Constitutional provision of the Federal Republic of Senegal further mandates the deceased Attorney to repatriate the funds to original Country of deceased if established. The Bank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated within the next quoter of the year.

I seek your consent so deeply to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$10,500,000.00)1) 40% to you.2) 55% to Me 3) 5% will set aside for any expenses incured by both of us during the process of this transactions.
All i require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through.I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement.You can contact me through my alternative e-mail at
[ nnameg@yahoo.com ]and enclose your private telephone number for easy communication.

VISIT ; http://www.tsunamis.com/tsunami-pictures.html
My regards,



My name is Mr. Salem Banny, an accountant with BIAO BANK Abidjan.I am the personal accounts manager to Engr. Jones Rodriguez, a Nationality of your country, who used to work with an oil servicing company here in Cote d'Ivoire.

My client, his wife, and three children were involved in the ill fated Kenya Airways crash in the coasts of Abidjan in January 2000 in which all passengers on board died. Since then I have made several inquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives but all my efforts proved abortive. After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name over the internet, to see if I could locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. The deceased has an account valued at about ($18 million US dollars).The bank have issued me a notice to provide the next of kin to my client or the bank will declare
the account unserviceable and thereby send the funds to the bank treasury.

Since I have not been able to locate the relatives for over 2years. Now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last names, so the proceeds of this account valued at ($18million US dollars) can be paid to you and then you and I will share the money.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under all legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. In your mail response , I want you to give me your full names, address, date of birth, telephone and fax numbers.If you can handle this with me,please do reach me immediately through this email address for more details( mr.salem_allbright@yahoo.fr)
Thanking you for your anticipated cooperation.
Salem Banny